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How to Use the MBTI Test for Career Guidance

Choice of profession
In many countries, when choosing a profession, various tests are used, in particular the "five-factor", "Holland test" and "MBTI test". They have about one principle, but the last test is used most widely, probably because in the Myers-Briggs typology there are 16 gradations,  and not 5 and 6 as in the other two. And since there are more types, then the number of possible options also increases, since for each type of personality there are fairly clear recommendations for choosing a profession. And they are based on differences in the signs that determine the type of thinking and behavior of a person.
There are two main groups of signs that affect the choice of a suitable profession:

Logic-ethics. T⇔F

Defines how decisions are made. Logicians always rely on objective data and facts. So they're going to be more successful in areas where it's important. Logicians, even in the humanitarian fields , see their work as a mechanism. They analyze what is happening, look for relationships and build schemes. They always manage to soberly assess the situation and find a logical solution.
Ethics  are guided by accepted moral norms and values. Therefore, they are suitable for the social and humanitarian spheres of activity.  An ethicist, even in the logical sphere, will rely on relations with people, establish ethical contact with a person and try to influence the situation in this way.

 More about ethics and logic 


Sensory-intuition. S⇔N

These signs determine the type of thinking. Intuitionists think abstractly, it is easier for them to take into account many options, understand the general meaning, invent, predict. Sensory have practical thinking, they will cope better where accuracy and accuracy are required, as well as where hand work is required.
In general, the distribution by spheres of activity  on this basis is shown in the following diagram.
Diagram of career choice by personality type
Intuition logicians are the field of research: science, technology, programming, physics, mathematics, analytics, idea generation. For the personality types ENTj and INTp , practical and organizational activities in these areas are more characteristic, since their strengths are Business logic and Temporal Intuition, and for ENTp and INTj – theoretical activities related to research and creation of new ideas, because they have strong Structural logic and Intuition of possibilities.
For suitable professions, see the guidelines for each type:     
Sensory logicians are managers and producers: economics, finance, sports, creation of structures and organizations, production, control of activities. ESTp and ISTj have lawmaking and strict control, because their strong point is the Structural logic and Volitional Sensing. ESTj and ISTp have a less strict one, but aimed at increasing efficiency and convenience. Their strengths are Business logic and Experiential Sensing.
Recommendations for choosing a profession:     
Ethics-intuitionists – humanities: teaching, literature, art, religion, history,  philosophy, psychology.
For ENFj and INFp, art as such is closer in the context of the emotions it evokes. This is because their strengths are Relational ethics and the Temporal Intuition. And INFJ and ENFp, which are better versed in people due to the developed Relational ethics  and Intuition of possibilities  -  teaching, psychology, religion.
Recommendations for professions for humanitarians:     
Sensory ethicists are social: care for others, medicine, entertainment and agitation, cooking, care for appearance: style, make-up, design.
Moreover, what relates to the issues of agitation and entertainment is more suitable ESFj and ISFp, because their strengths are Emotive ethics and Experiential Sensing, and social work and medicine are  ESFp, ISFj, because their strong functions are Relational ethics and Volitional Sensing.
Suitable professions for these personality types are:     
We looked at two groups of attributes: logic/ethics and sensory/intuition. How do the two remaining groups of features affect? In fact, we also considered another group, since it is this feature that determines which of the first two groups in a person is stronger. This third sign is:

Extraversion-introversion. E⇔I

We have already seen that each feature exists in two versions. For example, sensory sensations and power sensory. The first determines the internal sensations of a person (she is introverted), the second interaction with the external environment (she is extroverted).
Since extroversion is aimed at the external environment, extroverts have better developed aspects responsible for interacting with the outside world.  Specify for solving which tasks such extroverted aspects will be effective: 
Extroverts need contact work, with people, vigorous activity, when something new often happens. It is good for them to be organizers, go on business trips, conduct interviews. 
Introverts have better developed features responsible for the inner world of a person. Such aspects will be effective for other tasks:
Introverts will be suitable for a calmer job, with a smaller social circle, more opportunities to understand and work through the accumulated material, fully immerse themselves in their field of activity, specialize in one particular area. 

Rationality-irrationality. p⇔j

 This trait does not determine professional inclinations.  It reflects key features of two different principles of thinking and is applicable to any profession. And yet: 
  • It is better for rationalists to choose a job where there is an opportunity to act according to a well-established plan. Then there are fewer surprises and there is a clear understanding of processes and goals.
  • It is easier for irrationals to switch with unexpected changes because they are good at seeing new opportunities. Then their potential is revealed to the fullest.
And if for the former the main thing is to "see the way", then for the latter "believe in yourself".  info.png   
To finally make sure of the correct choice of profession, look after passing the test in the received psychological passport and pay attention to the signs of Reinin , which can also tell a lot about suitable and unsuitable professions for you.