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Compatibility of personality types

Совместимость типов личности
Intertype relations are a basic theory in socionics, according to which relations between people depend to a greater extent on the type of personality of partners and to a lesser extent on their desire and individual characteristics.  In other words, we will be comfortable not with those people with whom we want, but only with suitable socionic type.
Compatibility of personality types is the most important idea of socionics, which allows you to apply it in practice to predict relationships between people. This gives answers to questions about how to predict a happy marriage,how to avoid conflicts in your environment, how to build an effective business team without internal contradictions.
A similar typology of MBTI does not deal with the definition of relations between types, but since the types themselves generally coincide with socionics, the whole theory of relations can be applied to it.
In total, there are 16 different intertype relationships, as well as 16 personality types themselves. See also
Identical Duality Semi-Duality Benefactor
Activity Mirror Comparative Supervisee
Look-a-like Illusionary Quasi-Identical Super-ego
Beneficiary Supervisor Contrary Conflict
Compatibility tables for each personality type can be found here

How to check the compatibility of your personality type with others.

To find out your compatibility with any person, take the test to determine the type of personality. Evaluate how the description of the selected type is similar to yours. After confirming the coincidence, in your personal account, see the relationship map on which you can see compatibility with the people around you.

Note that the more pronounced the personality types of two individuals, the more likely it is to establish a predetermined kind of relationship between them. Therefore, when determining compatibility with someone, keep in mind that the above descriptions of the relationship are schematic and are evaluative.