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Temporal Intuition (or White Intuition) in socionics

Белая интуиция.

White Intuition in socionics is the sense of the passage of time, so its second name is the Temporal Intuition.  This is such an hourglass of our psyche that allows us to almost physically feel how time is running.

But for everyone, this feeling is subjective, it is not time on the clock in the literal sense, it is precisely the feeling of timeliness. People with strong white intuition choose the right moment for action, and with a weak one incorrectly, or completely miss.

Intuition in model A is indicated by a triangle icon, (a good association with the slide of sand in the clock). The intuition of time is introverted, and since the criterion of introversion in this model is usually denoted by white, such intuition is called white and is indicated by a white triangle Белая интуиция icon. In the MBTI typology it is called "introverted iNtuition" (Ni).
White intuition is responsible for the optimal choice of a suitable moment in time, the internal rhythms of life, control of the situation in dynamics.
Consider how BI manifests itself in different personality types corresponding to different functions of model A:
Base function

Base White Intuition

The Base function is the basis of the personality and intellect of a person, his view of life.




The Temporal Intuition is Base in Balzac and Yesenin.
Balzac, as a logician, sees the true causes and trends in the development of the situation. Ethic Yesenin always knows the direction of public opinion, or, as they say, "where the wind blows."
The Base function is fairly conservative and straightforward.  If a person with a Base white intuition feels that something needs to be done right now, he will do it, even contrary to accepted morality or common sense. Conversely, it's hard to get them to do something that the time hasn't come for. Therefore, yesenin and Balzac's views on the world are quite fatalistic.
Creative function

Creative White Intuition

A creative function is a way of communicating with the outside world and solving problems at any given moment.


Jack London

The intuition of time is creative in Hamlet and Jack.
The creative function, although not as strong as the Base one in determining timeliness, is more flexible, so Jack and Hamlet always have several time-varying options for their actions, which they constantly test.
Creative white intuitives feel great in a rapidly changing situation.   Hamlet is a master of manipulating time, he equally perfectly feels the rhythm and knows how to pull a pause. Everything he does is always very timely. Petty punctuality is not important to him, he can be late for a meeting - Hamlet feels the time strategically, he knows when to speak globally in order to attract attention and achieve something significant.
Jack knows how to put time at the service of his business acumen. He knows when to wait and when it's time to act. He does not like slowness in any form and hates empty pastime.  "blme is money", this motto was probably invented by Jack.
Role function

Role White Intuition

Role function is a mask: what a person wants to appear to be, who he claims to be.



The Temporal Intuition is a role in Dumas and Gabin.  Wearing such a mask, people try to look punctual, remember important things and like to make various predictions.
However, they can easily spend other people's time, they do not pay attention to the unpunctuality of others, and their predictions in most cases do not come true, since they are based on superficial and template representations.
Role-playing is far from a Base functionthat can take into account all the factors and draw the right conclusions regarding the development of events.
Vulnerable function

Vulnerable White Intuition

Vulnerable function is its weakest human trait, its vulnerable place.



The intuition of time is Vulnerable in Gugo and Stirlitz. A person with undeveloped BI does not calculate the time required for any action. Vulnerable white intuitives try to do a lot of things in a limited period of time, not realizing that there will not be enough time. They do not think at all about the timeliness of their actions.
Stirlitz really does not like to waste time, and with those who do not appreciate his time tries not to have any business. The need to work in conditions of limited time, as well as unforeseen delays, is extremely unnerving for him.
Gyugo believes he can do more than is possible. Due to the constant time pressure, he has nervous overloads and fatigue accumulates. Often you can see how Hugo, coming to the meeting, immediately begins to fussily hurry somewhere. Afraid of being late, he may come to the meeting earlier or not appear at all.


Suggestive function

Suggestive White Intuition

The Suggestive function is responsible for the assimilation by a person of the knowledge accumulated by society in an area in which they are not very strong - in choosing the right moment.



The Temporal Intuition is suggestive in Zhukov and Napoleon,who do not feel timeliness at all and often do not understand that at the moment something is required of them.
Both respect accuracy and punctuality, so they often listen to advice regarding the timing and duration of actions. They believe in signs and various predictions and can puncture on this, especially if the adviser with intuition does not have very time.
They constantly feel the need to foresee the future and need assistants to make plans that will correctly tell you when to start and how long it will last.
Mobilizing function

Mobilizing White Intuition

The Mobilizing function regulates a person's actions for compliance with the norms accepted in society through self-assessment of actions.



The intuition of time is Mobilizing in Max and Dreiser.
Such people prefer to plan their time in advance. They try not to be late, not to delay the work or even do it ahead of time, so as not to rush at the end. If the deadline is unknown they start to get nervous, so they need to know the exact time frame of their actions.
Both of these personality types need a person who can accurately indicate the timing of events and approve the correctness of their plans.
Limiting function

Limiting White Intuition

The Limiting function serves to protect the individual from unpleasant or dangerous outside influences.

Don Quixote


The Temporal Intuition is a limiting function in Don Quixote and Huxley.  In ordinary life, both feel good about the timeliness of actions, but not in themselves but in others. Therefore, it is often fair to criticize others for missed moments. They themselves are "timeless" in a calm situation. However, at critical moments, this function is triggered by them at the right time, allowing them to limit the influence of others.
In tense situations, they try to speed up the end of unpleasant events: "let's finish it faster" or vice versa, delay their offensive referring to the lack of time: "I have no time"
Demonstrative function

Demonstrative White Intuition

The Demonstrative function is responsible for the correct instantaneous unconscious reactions in everyday life.



The intuition of time is a Demonstrative function in Robespierre and Dostoevsky.
People of this type have an innate sense of time. They are very punctual, although they do not put any effort into it. The rhythm of their life is measured and stable, rarely anyone manages to violate it. They choose the time for action without thinking about how people do not think about how to breathe.
They have a good sense of when it is necessary to perform this or that action, see historical perspectives and can accurately issue time predictions.
