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Personality types




Psychological profile

Craftsman (ISTP)
Craftsman (ISTP) learns about the world through sensations. He acutely perceives everything that disturbs the natural harmony. Fastidious. Appreciates comfort and good things. The convenience of clothing prefers ostentatious beauty. Does not tolerate monotony and boredom. Inwardly sensitive and vulnerable, although it does not show this.
He works well with your hands. Thrifty in the treatment of material resources. He has a technological mindset. Finds simple but effective methods of solving business issues. Before getting down to business, he thinks over several options for achieving the desired result and stops at the most economical. Another alias of the ISTP personality type: VIRTUOSO Why?.
The Craftsman is inventive in everyday life and at work, which he likes. In what he thinks is right, stubborn and uncompromising. Although he is distrustful of new ideas, but having tested them in practice, he is able to get the most out of them.
Conceited and independent. Needs subtle treatment, praise and attention. Because of the tendency to skepticism, he does not see the prospects for affairs in the future. Impressionable, poorly controls his emotions during arguments. He does not know how to show his feelings in public. He likes when his abilities and achievements are appreciated. With him you need to talk in the language of compliments and praise, assure of imminent success.
In a critical situation, with a sharp change in the situation, he does not panic, but looks for a way to buy time. 
He does not tolerate obsessive people. Smoothness of relations for him is an indispensable condition for a full life. Despite being scrupulous, we are quite tolerant of human flaws. He knows how to forgive people without malice.
During a conflict, he prefers not to get involved in an argument, but simply to leave. But if he is hurt, he will respond in a harsh form. He will not be frank with outsiders. He doesn't like it when they "get into the soul."
Critical of violence and coercion. He will not put pressure on anyone, but he himself will not submit to the attempts of dictate. He does not like competition, is devoid of ambitions and career aspirations. Will not fight for power or claim a higher place. Immediately distinguish bluster from real possibilities.
Reliable business partner. He always tries to do with minimal forces, to attract fewer people. Opponent of bureaucracy and petty control



Relationships with others: the best with Inspirers, conflicting with Actors.


  • practical logic;
  • curiosity, the desire to learn new things and apply in practice;
  • ability to plan actions;
  • diligence and efficiency.


  • inability to show feelings;
  • a pessimistic view of the future;

ISTP Male Psychological Profile

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Craftsman is unhurried, thorough and impenetrably calm. He gives the impression of a courageously restrained person with a great sense of self-esteem, even if he is short in stature. It has an excellent aesthetic taste, while choosing comfortable, discreet clothing.
He likes to half-sit or half-lie down. As soon as the opportunity to sit down appears, he immediately takes the optimal position for rest, in which the body can relax and rest.
In childhood, a boy of this type is usually distinguished by good physical fitness. He is agile and agile. It's easy for him in physical education classes. Training gives him pleasure, because the body is obedient to him. His hobbies also include modeling and in general everything that can be done with his hands, since his hands are very skillful.
Little Craftsman learns generally well, although it seems reluctant or out of the blue. It seems that he is doing his homework through strength, struggling (at times even successfully) with his endless laziness. But sometimes in this fight he loses, and then, especially in high school, studies go to hell.
Men of this type are observant, have an ironic mind and an unobtrusive subtle sense of humor, although not everyone is ready to demonstrate it. Craftsman is not demonstrative at all and prefers a fairly secluded, quiet life away from people, as well as noise, noise, fuss and all sorts of shocks.
The ISTP man most often stands as if out of culture. He is unusually critical of everything, has his own point of view, it is difficult to captivate him with advertising or pop cheapness in any of its manifestations. Discos and stupid noisy companies with a lot of strangers, where no one hears anyone, do not attract young men of this type.
Another thing is a familiar company where he is appreciated and loved, or a small corporate party. Here, Craftsman can even take the lead in entertaining the rest of the people, or at least go out of their way to maintain an overall festive atmosphere.
Not every girl is able to captivate the distrustful Craftsman during the first meeting. First, he doesn't believe anyone can like it. And secondly, rarely does anyone manage to awaken his interest in a short time - after all, Craftsman, as a rule, is in no hurry. In addition, behind his masculine appearance hides incredible shyness and indecision. In relationships, he understands poorly, and therefore does not understand when it is already possible to show initiative, and when not. And to make it easier and not so scary, he prefers not to show it at all.
Relationships with the Craftsman usually "happen" - he doesn't even really know where they came from or when they started. He is able to fall in love at a distance, with his eyes, for a long time watching the one who happened to capture his heart. At the same time, being a contemplative by nature, he can usually do nothing for months or even years.
Craftsman secretive (because he is vulnerable), does not like to flaunt their feelings, carefully hides them from outsiders. The thing is, he's not as confident as he may seem. Learn to praise and support your chosen one, then it will be easier for him to cope with life and he will feel a little better in life. Children in the Craftsman's family usually enjoy the patronage of their father. He is not petty and lenient with them. Often becomes attached to them and befriends them, trying to teach them something useful.
He's homemade, works a lot with his hands. At home, his snobbery manifests itself in his preference for expensive, beautiful things. He loves all sorts of mechanisms that make his life comfortable and convenient.
As a practitioner, Craftsman, both at work and at home, does only what is really needed for something and what will make a concrete difference. He is not inclined to squander his resource and can always expertly assess the relationship between price and quality of goods. He also knows how much work and time it will take to earn the necessary amount of money to purchase it.
В результате таких подсчетов обычно оказывается, что не стоит и начинать. Одним словом, Craftsman  живет по принципу энергосбережения, то есть старается не столько больше заработать, сколько до минимума сократить свои потребности, чтобы работать как можно меньше. А вообще, он предпочитает, чтобы всякое дело делалось само, поскольку не любит перенапрягаться, и никогда не пренебрегает возможностью как можно дольше с комфортом отдыхать на любимом диване. 
A characteristic male character who well reveals the image of Craftsman is Shrek from the cartoon of the same name - an unhurried handyman, shy of his feelings.
Even though Craftsman is lazy, he will never be without money. Moreover, the case that he chooses is usually very serious, requiring him both high professional skills, and the ability to make independent decisions. He usually has both.

ISTP Female Psychological Profile

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As a little girl representatives of this type of person is very successful in school, giving preference to physics and less often mathematics and literature. The Craftsman girl is fairly diligent in junior high, though gradually, as she gets older, the need to do her homework regularly begins to tire her out. She tends to learn without enthusiasm, although she may show conscientiousness. Exercise is not too fond of, sports rarely attract her. During puberty, she often becomes uncooperative and stubborn, and may do things her own way if she is forced to do things she does not like.
She dresses smartly, neatly and beautifully, no matter how much money she has. The clothes are solid, practical and comfortable. Favorite tones are dark, tranquil. No loud colors or unthinkable combinations of bright colors. In short, the clothes look exceptionally harmonious on her, making a successful ensemble with her figure, hair and eye color, and always perfectly suits the occasion and the weather.
Although ISTP is introverted and not too interested in people, she loves to chat and laugh with people close to her or her good acquaintances. Often sets a humorous, ironic tone herself, successfully amusing her interlocutor (or the staff in the room). Conversations with girlfriends (in person or on the phone) can last for hours. She also likes to have her friends over from time to time.
The difficulty with the girl 'Craftsman' is that she is always convinced of the rightness of his actions and does not listen to anyone. She has an opinion on everything and doesn't need anyone's advice. In short, it was almost impossible to influence her, nor was it possible to force her to do something that was not in her plans.
По этой же самой причине ей довольно трудно понравиться. Если вы станете знакомиться с этой девушкой, обратите внимание на то, как легко она подхватывает ваши шутки, как быстро откликается на них острыми, ироничными замечаниями. Вам никогда не удастся поставить ее в тупик, потому что она умна, находчива и остроумна.
In order for dating to be successful, you need to know some of her features. Her haughty appearance and skeptical attitude to everyone and everything to begin with - because at first it might scare some people away. However, don't let her outward unapproachability mislead you. In fact, this girl has an adventurous spirit to some extent. She is quickly drawn to the thought of new opportunities and little adventures to dive into with a good companion. True, if there is no friend (or girlfriend), she herself will not take the initiative. She definitely needs someone to rouse her and bounce around happily, fueling her enthusiasm.
What she doesn't like is silly pranks, as she doesn't find them funny.
More than anything, this girl appreciates comfort. So do not on the first date to call her somewhere on the White Sea, where you think it would be very romantic to live together in tents and feed the mosquitoes. Keep in mind also that she's exceptionally picky about food, so she's unlikely to be attracted to the idea of eating porridge and stew for her entire vacation.
Closed and unemotional-looking girl ISTP is able to experience years of love, experiencing stable platonic feelings for his chosen one. Characteristically, she will never do anything, and if there is no chance, her lover may never learn about her love!
The only thing she does when she wants to be liked is to start dressing particularly elaborately, adorning herself with great taste. She pays so much attention to her clothes and makeup and takes such good care of herself that she brings her looks to unimaginable perfection. And waiting. If for months or years nothing has happened, she says to herself: "Then it wasn't meant to be."
If you did manage to meet this girl and arouse her interest, you should consider that her feelings develop very slowly. She may ignore the existing attraction between you, do not respond to your sympathy, pretending that there is nothing between you (sometimes she really does not know anything about it). But if you, after all, managed to awaken love in it, everything can end with a serious passion.
However, this doesn't stop her from often keeping her chosen one at a considerable distance and exhausting him with challenges. In this way she regulates the distance and thus achieves an increase in the heat of passion. As you develop feelings, prepare to perform constant household feats - carrying her bags, repairing televisions, moving furniture, and so on.
When the excitement of the courtship period is over and she becomes a wife, this is where she shows her best side. She is, indeed, reliable, responsible and economical, moreover, she has her own handwriting in managing the household.
Whatever your family's income, an ISTP wife will always find a way to live well even on very modest means. In doing so, both she and her household will look clean and tidy. Her highly developed aesthetic sense and desire for beauty and neatness will never allow her to stoop.
When it comes to food, she is characterized by minimalism, which manifests itself in the fact that she does everything sparingly, quickly and deliciously. She's too lazy to stand at the stove for too long, but she always knows how to shorten the time and save herself a lot of effort.
A woman of this type treats children as friends, though at times quite strictly. They are rarely pampered because they have certain, and very strict, requirements. You could say that it is a demanding, strict mother who in a quiet state does not mind to show humanism.
The Craftsmans make very good workers. They are responsible, reliable, diligent, able to bring any matter to an end. Wherever this type of girl works, her boss always knows two things about her: that she is highly qualified and that this employee can be relied upon. Although at the same time, almost every boss knows that her character is very difficult - independent and unyielding. In any case, it quickly becomes clear that no extra work can be pinned on her.
But the employees whom she has chosen for herself as comrades (she usually has no more than one or two real friends) love and appreciate her. It's fun and you can talk about interesting topics.
A characteristic female character of the ISTP personality type is Arya Stark from the series Game of Thrones - a practical and skillful, very independent, unemotional pessimist.
Тип личности "ISTP"


Recommendations for people of this type:

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Recommendations and the map of the relations are available only after end of the test 😈

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