Limited functionality mode

Volitional Sensing (or Black Sensing) in socionics

Black Volitional Sensing

Black Sensing in socionics is a property of the human psyche responsible for assessing the external world and influencing it.

Unlike white introverted sensory, which is focused on creating comfortable conditions for the individual, Black Sensing is responsible for expanding his living space. Therefore, its other name is Power or Volitional Sensing. It's such a cudgel in the hands of a man.

Sensory in model A is indicated by a circle icon (as the figure that is most in contact with the outside world). Volitional Sensing is extraverted, and since the criterion of extroversion in this model is usually denoted by black, such sensory is called black and is indicated by a black circle Черная сенсорика icon. In the MBTI typology it is called "extraverted Sensing" (Se)

The Black Sensing is responsible for the perception of material objects, the assessment of the appearance of people and objects, the determination of their significance for the individual and the direct impact on them.
Volitional Sensing is often replaced by the concept of "willpower", but willpower is only one of the components of an emergency, its other component is an active influence on one's environment to change and subordinate it.
Power sensory allows you to control your body well and look good. People in whom emergency is a strong point are very mobile, especially in childhood, when they actively explore the surrounding space. They are like water, penetrate everywhere and are very loud, making their demands on everything around.

Consider how Black Sensing manifests itself in different personality types corresponding to different functions of model A:


Base function

Base Black Sensing

The Base function is the basis of the personality and intellect of a person, his view of life.



Volitional Sensing is Base in Zhukov and Napoleon.  Their life credo is to be the first everywhere and in everything.
Zhukov, as a logician, aspires to be the leader of which everyone respects, perhaps even fears. Ethic Napoleon believes that everyone should love him because he is the best.
In addition to external expansion, emergencies are characterized by the ability to protect their own and repel any external pressure.


Creative function

Creative Black Sensing

A creative function is a way of communicating with the outside world and solving problems at any given moment.



Volitional Sensing is creative in Max and Dreiser.
Maxim, as a Base white logician, is intolerant of any disorder within the framework of the system existing in his head. According to him, the system is stable when it is based on strict subordination, so he tries to achieve the stability of this system by force.  It's hard to stop a creative Black Sensing from doing what he's set out to do.   
Dreiser knows how to persuade people to the system of his ethical values, which are of paramount importance to him. He will defend his relationship with all his might.   For a loved one will go to any th, regardless of the consequences. He won't let you talk badly about your friends and yourself. If they try to exert pressure on him, he can fight back, exceeding the necessary measures. Very stubborn, reluctant to change his mind.
Dreiser does not tolerate any deviations from the order he has established in his house and can make a scandal because of a trifle.
Role function

Role-playing Black Sensing

Role function is a mask: what a person wants to appear to be, who he claims to be.

Don Quixote


Volitional Sensing is role-playing in Don Quixote and Huxley.
Role-playing black sensors like to pretend to be a strong and determined person who can become a leader and fight back. But if you have to do this for a long time, they often exhale and fall.  But, if this is not associated with great effort (for example, in the position of the boss), such people defiantly command and play a tough leader out of themselves, often going too far.
Both Don and Huxley are stubborn and unyielding to others, but at the same time not demanding enough of themselves. They do not like to be responsible for their words and are often optional.

Vulnerable function

Vulnerable Black Sensing

Vulnerable function is its weakest human trait, its vulnerable place.



Volitional Sensing is Vulnerable in Robespierre and Dostoevsky.
Vulnerable black sensors seem to be under pressure, and organically do not tolerate it. They cannot press in response themselves - Dostoevsky in principle does not approve of any violence, and Robespierre, as a logician, allows "just (from his point of view) violence", but by someone else's hands.
The advice to "be more persistent" only irritates both of them.    
Suggestive function

Suggestive Black Sensing

The Suggestive function is responsible for the assimilation of knowledge accumulated by society by a person.



Volitional Sensing is a Suggestive function in Balzac and Yesenin.
Both are quite soft and sophisticated, so it is difficult for them to resist direct force pressure. Balzac and Yesenin appreciate their partners who are able to exert force pressure. They themselves are not averse to doing this, so they listen to the advice of such partners.
To develop an emergency, they are interested in various ways of self-defense, although in practice they cannot always apply this.
Mobilizing function

Mobilizing Black Sensing

The Mobilizing function regulates a person's actions for compliance with the norms accepted in society through self-assessment of actions.


Jack London

Volitional Sensing is Mobilizing in Hamlet and Jack.
Not aggressive by nature, these types of people often use proven pressure methods positively evaluated by others.
A typical example of "hamlets" is Vladimir Zhirinovsky, whose public attacks on rivals made him famous and now he constantly uses this technique. Sometimes he goes too far and does things that cause universal condemnation.  Then he has to back down and say that "he was misunderstood."
Limiting function

Limiting Black Sensing

The Limiting function serves to protect the individual from unpleasant or dangerous outside influences.



Volitional Sensing is a Limiting function in Dumas and Gabin.
These soft and good-natured people use the simple defense argument "I don't want to" to the last, but if they are pissed off, they can drive the offender in the face.
Demonstrative function

Demonstrative Black Sensing

The Demonstrative function is responsible for the correct instantaneous unconscious reactions in everyday life.



Volitional Sensing is a Demonstrative function in Jugo and Stirlitz.
Representatives of these types vigorously inhabit the surrounding territory. Although they do not openly claim their rights to leadership, they are often perceived by others in this capacity.
And if anyone begins to object to the order established by them, then by some elusive signs and actions they make it clear who is the boss here. And all this turns out so naturally that those who doubt understand that no one can cope better.
