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Personality types




Psychological profile

Enterpriser (ENTJ)
Enterpriser (ENTJ)  is good at seeing the possibilities of new cases. Knows how to turn a business around. Easy going. Often involved in dynamic sports - hiking, camping, mountaineering, running, etc. Not afraid of business trips and moving to new locations. Boldly puts forward a business initiative and perseveres in pursuing it. Another alias of the ENTJ personality type: COMMANDER Why?.
He is not afraid to take risks by relying on his intuition. He comes up with the most unusual ideas, endowed with a rich imagination. If the possibilities of the project are exhausted, it quickly switches to a new direction. He knows how to handle finances. He always works ahead of the curve, because he knows that tomorrow it will be too late. It is distinguished by cognitive interests in a variety of areas.
In his thoughts, he constantly turns to the past, analyzing past events and drawing lessons from them for the future. Intuitively captures the main trends of the time. One of the first to adopt new technologies and organizational forms.
Optimist, has a good sense of humor. His jokes, however, are not always appropriate. Restless: talks a lot, oblivious to the lack of time. His irritability and short temper are often unpleasant to others. However, he himself does not feel this, he believes that he was just exchanging opinions.
He cares little about appearance. He has a tendency to walk for a long time in one clothes, getting used to it. He dresses up only when his relationships with others depend on it. He has extremes in relation to bad habits: he flaunts them, then actively fights against them. 
Can live and work in conditions of discomfort, lack of amenities. Not demanding on food and registration of housing. He does not tolerate idle pastime, which is why he does not relax even on vacation.
He communicates with people democratically, at a close psychological distance. It is in dire need of reliable, stable human relationships. Due to the inability to immediately recognize falsehood, he can allow himself to be drawn into an adventure. 
 He knows how to stand up for himself. He is excited and persistent if he is resisted. He loves to challenge. In it lives the desire to lead, to achieve goals, using other people for this. However, he leads well only those who are like-minded people. A bold romantic. 
He likes to test himself in various activities. Therefore, he often changes hobbies, professions, places of work, etc., until he finds what he needs. 
Fully devoted to his favorite business. Vain. If his abilities are not valued, he tends to oppose himself to others.



Relationships with others: best with Guardians, conflicting with Mediators.


  • enterprising;
  • curiosity;
  • the ability to comprehend the hidden essence of phenomena;
  • developed abstract logic.


  • the inability to understand people, their relationships;
  • poor self-discipline.

ENTJ Male Psychological Profile

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Already in childhood, it is noticeable that they are capable, quickly grasp the teacher's explanations and, as a rule, study well. They like to play sports, and prefer extreme types, where you need not so much brute force as a good reaction.
But in everyday, everyday life, Enterprisers are often poorly coordinated and even scattered. They may think about work and drive through the right stop or forget to turn off the washing machine and flood the neighbors.
Enterprisers have many friends and acquaintances. They are cheerful and sociable, love to laugh.

The girl does not need to think about how to get acquainted with Enterpriser. He'll worry about it himself. First, it has a remarkable ability to see everything and everyone around it, so as soon as you appear somewhere nearby, it will immediately notice you. And secondly, it costs him nothing to take the initiative (which, in fact, he always does) - well, you are already familiar!
Do not pay attention if at times it seems to you that he is somewhat uneducated. In communication with people, he is really clumsy, sometimes he will be rude, then he will be offended by something. Sometimes Enterpriser tends to fall into depressive states. This means that he does not have a real, good job in which he would be able to realize himself as much as possible.
You also need to know that he is not one of those who solve complex problems with the help of fists. This is a rather soft, even a little indecisive man, avoiding power skirmishes.

В качестве мужа бывает мало озабочен бытом. Ему не интересно думать о том, чтобы ваше домашнее гнездо стало уютным и комфортным. Он также не станет уделять много внимания еде и заботиться о своем здоровье (и вашем) здоровье. Будет лучше, если вы избавите его от всех забот такого рода.

Daddy is friends with this type of child, preferring the older ones, with whom he is much more interested. As for the younger ones, their presence in the house is always accompanied by some kind of physiological problems - wet diapers, gas, burping, and the Enterprisers don't like that. So it is better to take care of sanitary and hygienic procedures too, involving him in the care of infants as little as possible or only in emergencies
Enterpriser is literally "on fire" at work. He's all business, all movement. After all, they are the ones most often referred to as workaholics.

ENTJ Male Psychological Profile

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In any outfit, a woman of Enterpriser character always makes a neat impression. Everything on her is clean, well-fitted. But the clothes with no claim to originality, no experiments, no oblique hemlines, no unusual color combinations. Her style is more like a decent office style. But even her casual wear is neat and simple. Even at home, you won't see her wearing worn out robes or torn slippers.
Enterpriser's school progress can be remarkable. They love to learn because it's interesting. Everything is quite easy for them because they are fast, quick-witted and diligent. In general, they are eagerly engaged in both exact and natural sciences and humanities. And everyone makes it.
If you find yourself in the same company as ENTJ, then you should definitely look out for this foldable, active, witty girl who jokes so aptly and keeps the general fun going so well.

She likes positive, traditionally stocked men who behave unobtrusively and dignified.
If your wife is an Enterpriser by nature, you can count on the fact that order and healthy food in the house will be provided to you. Care for comfort here is minimal, cleanliness is maintained within reasonable limits, but regularly.
Food is also a special attitude - it should be useful and fresh. And it should be prepared simply and quickly. From here it becomes clear that in the kitchen a woman of this type does not disappear for a long time. It just doesn't give her pleasure - there are so many more important and interesting things in life!


She is not fond of clarifying relations with her husband. She needs a simple and understandable family life, so that it has constructive, positive, perspective and normal relationships. Towards children, she is exceptionally responsible, friendly, affable and caring. She has a strong sense of responsibility for her family.
She will not regularly do homework with children - she simply does not have time for this, because she most often works a lot. But she knows how to teach them to learn on their own, checking the lessons from time to time and helping if the need suddenly arises.
They do not know how to rest in the generally accepted sense of the word. They are bored just lying on the beach and doing nothing.
ENTJ has few friends (as you might think).
Life with her is intense, interesting, saturated with a lot of a wide variety of impressions. She will not sour, languishing from idleness, and will not allow her loved ones to do it.
At work, Enterpriser is always collected and purposeful, always ready to get involved. Work is her forte. From such you get real business ladies who make a successful career and earn good money as if by the way, without boasting about it. She can work in almost all places where you can do serious business or science. The only area that does not attract her is medicine.
At work, ENTJs usually quickly become bosses. They are friendly and fair, try to maintain good, even relations with everyone, avoid intrigues.


Recommendations for people of this type:

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Recommendations and the map of the relations are available only after end of the test 😈

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