Limited functionality mode

Experiential Sensing (or White Sensing) in socionics

White SensingIn socionics, as in psychology in general, "sensory" means "given in sensations." This is one of the ways (along with intuition) to obtain information about yourself and the world around you.
White Sensing is responsible for interpreting the signals of the sense organs, and due to its introversion, its action is directed to its internal sensations.  This is such a mirror for observing your body.
Why white? Sensing in model A is indicated by a circle icon (as the figure that is most in contact with the outside world). And since the criterion of introversion in this model is usually denoted by white, such a Sensing is called white and is indicated by an icon of a white Белая сенсорика circle, similar to a pocket mirror. In the MBTI typology it is called "intoverted Sensing" (Si)
If the Experiential Sensing is a strong point of a person, then he has a well-developed sense of taste and harmony. Such a person knows what to do to maintain comfortable conditions for himself.
He perfectly feels the weather changes, will not wear extra clothes, but also will not freeze. He knows how to relax and tolerates diseases more easily.
Consider how Si manifests itself in different personality types corresponding to different functions of model A:
Base function

Base White Sensing

The Base function is the basis of the personality and intellect of a person, his view of life.



Experiential Sensing are a Base function in Dumas and Gabin.
Such people have a good sense of their own body, its condition and needs. They are calm and balanced, do not impose their interests, but actively protect them, instantly determining whether something threatens their well-being.
The main thing for them is comfort: coziness, comfortable clothes, delicious food. And comfort is more important than any abstract ideas.
Creative function

Creative White Sensing

A creative function is a way of communicating with the outside world and solving problems at any given moment.



Experiential Sensing are a creative function in Jugo and Stirlitz. People with creative BS appreciate and know how to create comfort and always care about their health and the health of their loved ones.
Such people are inventive in matters of fashion, cooking and creating comfort. They attach great importance to appearance and have good taste, as well as love and know how to cook well. Stirlitz is a perfectionist - he likes to bring everything to perfection, often to the detriment of other things, and Hugo loves to receive guests so much that he can "strangle" him with his hospitality.

Role function

Role White Sensing

Role function is a mask: what a person wants to appear to be, who he claims to be.



Experiential Sensing are a role function in Balzac and Yesenin.  People with role-playing BS try to prove themselves in this area, although it does not always work out well.
Yesenin strives to look good and decorate his house, and Balzac wants to provide himself with the necessary amenities that will allow him to exist normally.
Both can cook delicious dishes for guests and dress fashionably, but after seeing off guests, they will not try for themselves. Cooking for yourself is long and boring, and there is no one to evaluate the appearance.
Vulnerable function

Vulnerable White Sensing

Vulnerable function is its weakest human trait, its vulnerable place.


Jack London

Experiential Sensing is a Vulnerable function in Hamlet and Jack. The inability to adequately assess one's own feelings leads either to their ignoring or to overestimating them.
This can be expressed in complete indifference to one's own appearance and health, or vice versa, to excessive concern for one's appearance or the search for non-existent diseases. They may also have strange tastes and food preferences.

Suggestive function

Suggestive White Sensing

The Suggestive function is responsible for the assimilation of knowledge accumulated by society by a person.

Don Quixote


White Sensing is a suggestive function in Don Quixote and Huxley.
They like to receive information about self-care, apartment design, a healthy lifestyle. They willingly talk about this and offer various ideas to improve comfort.
Their main problem is that they do not always understand the reason for their poor health. Both can forget to eat, overheat in the sun or vice versa, sitting in a draft, get sick. Therefore, all their knowledge accumulated in this area leads to nothing if there is no one nearby who will create a comfortable environment and tell you in time how to dress for the weather and establish everyday life.
Mobilizing function

Mobilizing White Sensing

The Mobilizing function regulates a person's actions for compliance with the norms accepted in society through self-assessment of actions.



White Sensing are an Mobilizing function in Robespierre and Dostoevsky.
They listen to the opinion of relatives and friends in matters of health and comfort. They themselves do not experiment in this area, because they do not want to make a mistake. And they can forget altogether, because in these matters they are quite unpretentious.
In general, if they are properly taught, they cope well enough with everyday issues. Therefore, in order not to have problems in this area, they can even enroll in some courses.
Limiting function

Limiting White Sensing

The Limiting function serves to protect the individual from unpleasant or dangerous outside influences.



Experiential Sensing are a Limiting function in Zhukov and Napoleon.
Defensive reactions for people of this type are motives of convenience, health and comfort: "it's harmful", "it's uncomfortable", or the classic excuse "my head hurts"
Demonstrative function

Demonstrative White Sensing

The Demonstrative function is responsible for the correct instantaneous unconscious reactions in everyday life.



Experiential Sensing are Demonstrative in Max and Dreiser.
Issues of comfort, everyday life, health, beauty representatives of these people solve automatically, quickly and without unnecessary words. Subconsciously, they monitor and maintain at the level of their feelings and the comfort of the environment.
Once in a new place, they first of all begin to establish and equip everyday life. If you are around them, you can be sure that you will be taken care of. You definitely will not remain uninhabited and hungry.
