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Extroverted personality type

Extraversion is a psychological way of adapting a person to external conditions, which consists in a high rate of reproduction with relatively low security, which constantly encourages the extrovert to squander and infiltrate everything around. Of the 16 personality types half are extroverts:
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Extraverted the personality type is the exact opposite of calm and restrained introvert. An extrovert is an active and energetic person, more focused on the outside world than on his inner experiences. Such people, as a rule, have no problems with communication, they have a very wide circle of communication, they prefer noisy company to loneliness. A distinctive feature of an extrovert is not only his excellent communication skills, but also a firm self-confidence due to adequate self-esteem. In contrast to self-sufficient introverts, extroverts are quite dependent on society, namely on public opinion. These people value their reputation very much and often react emotionally to any criticism in their address. Nevertheless, extroverts, for the most part, are relatively friendly, communication with them brings a huge charge of energy and positive emotions. 

The vast majority of the actions of an extrovert in social terms are aimed at winning attention to his person, such personalities do not like to stay in the shadows, and if the slightest opportunity is given to show himself, to realize himself in any sphere, the extrovert will never miss it. Just because extroverts are less focused on their inner experiences does not mean that they are callous and insensitive people. An extrovert may well be the owner of a beautiful and deep inner world, but he does not consider it necessary to deepen, and even more so to reveal it. Excessive self-confidence often prevents the emergence of a desire to change oneself, but such a desire is replaced by the need to change the world. The extrovert feels the need to be constantly in the center of any events, and even better - to be a part of them. 

An introvert replenishes his energy in solitude, plunging into himself, his thoughts, etc. The extrovert rests completely differently - active social events, crowded places, communication with numerous friends and acquaintances. That is why it is very difficult for these two types of personality to interact with each other. An introvert is not able to understand the essence of meaningless conversations, and an extrovert is irritated by slowness and hovering in the clouds of his interlocutor. Indeed, in a conversation with an extrovert, you can hear such things that you should keep to yourself. It is worth noting that not all extroverts are empty talkers, it is very rare to meet a person who is completely suitable for a particular psychotype, in each of us there are features of all personality types that manifest themselves to varying degrees.


Another distinctive feature of almost all extroverts is optimism, manifested even in the most desperate situations. Therefore, others see in extroverts strong and strong-willed personalities who can cope with any adversity. An extrovert is a man of action, he will not complain about troubles, but will try to make every effort to solve them. Thanks to his confidence, an extrovert is always ready to take responsibility for any business or a very important project. Managing people and coordinating their activities is a real vocation of sociable extroverts. Do not consider such personalities as frivolous talkers, an extrovert is quite capable of a thoughtful and qualitative analysis of the situation, only unlike an introvert, he does not arrive in this state most of the time. But in fairness it is worth noting that often, extroverts are forced to resort to the help of an introvert to solve specific problems.

Everyone can seem extraverted, but such a desire should be based on great necessity, for example, due to a certain position held, which requires constant communication with people. Communication is a common skill, the development of which is only a matter of desire and willpower.
