Limited functionality mode

Model A


Model "A" is an informational model of human psyche developed by Ausra Augustinaviciute and named by her initials. It is the "Model A" that lies at the heart of socionics.
It uses Freudian psychoanalysis terms - ID, EGO and SuperEGO. Let's consider them in order, making them as simple as possible for understanding:


The very concept of "Id" in Latin means "it". And that's a very accurate definition. IT is an innate part of our consciousness that is beyond the control of the mind and operates on the level of instincts. This is the kind of animal principle, because of which a person seeks the immediate satisfaction of all his needs and desires. If these needs are not met in time, there is a feeling of anxiety or tension. With ID, a person is born. A small child has no desires other than "I want."
Throughout life, ID forms the unconscious basis of the personality. In model "A", this area of the psyche is regulated by two functions:
  • Demonstrative function is responsible for the correct instantaneous unconscious reactions in everyday life. Actually, this is our subconscious essence. It works continuously, monitoring the situation and pushing into consciousness only what requires a prompt response. Everything else is done automatically and you don't notice it. (but such "automatic talents" are very noticeable to others). Developing your abilities for this function significantly improves the quality of life. 
  • Limiting. This is a very strong subconscious function. The main task of which is effective protection against external interference. Defensive reactions turn on automatically when there is a sense of threat, limiting someone else's activity. This function also reflects a person's first reaction to fear.


Over time, the child begins to develop consciousness, or EGO (Latin for "I"). The EGO is responsible for communication with the real world and seeks to satisfy the desires of the id by any means possible. It is the EGO that selects a realistic way of satisfying the needs of the ED, and only the EGO can persuade the ED to wait for the immediate satisfaction of what he wants by promising that he will get it, but a little later. And the feeling of anxiety recedes.
The EGO constitutes the conscious basis of a person's personality. In Model A, this area of the psyche is described by the following functions:
  • Base — the basis of a person's personality and intellect, his outlook on life. It is these qualities that a person needs to develop in order to achieve success in life. With proper development of the basic function, a person becomes an expert in his or her field, capable of building a holistic picture based on a small amount of information. Since the basic function is the basis of the psyche, a person acquires stable attitudes on it, and it is difficult for him to retrain and change habits.
  • Creative  always works in tandem with basic, it is actually a way of communicating with the outside world and solving problems at every particular minute. The brain is constantly deciding exactly how we're going to do it. The creative feature is very flexible, if you can't solve a problem one way, it suggests you try another.


  At the age of 4-5 years, when a child begins to distinguish between what is good and what is bad, a new component of the personality responsible for morality develops. The SuperEgo (or Super I - that which is above me) is aimed at shaping more civilized behavior. It tries to suppress all unacceptable impulses of the id and force the ego to act according to accepted moral norms, not just realistic principles. We are aware of the need to act according to accepted moral norms, and the superego forces us to act because "it's what's needed" (even if we don't want to).
Model A also endows the SuperEgo with two functions, Role and Vulnerable:
  • Role function is an indicator of social success in society. If everyone evaluates your actions positively, then all is well. If you are criticized, it means you are not doing a good job of socialization - hence the resentment and bad mood. Each personality type has its own ideas of how to appear and each has its own model of social behavior.
    Role-playing is used when a person needs to make himself or herself look good, most often when meeting someone for the first time. Since ideas of the ideal are always templated, a person cannot act beyond this template. Playing a role is not easy, it does not lead to the desired result and often a person then complains that no one appreciates it.
  • Vulnerable The function of the weakest feature of an individual's psyche, his vulnerable place. Information on it is perceived very painfully, the activity is given hard, any reproaches are unpleasant. Therefore, people usually try to provide options to protect themselves from pressure on this function and are well aware of their weakness in this area. They themselves do not consider this function important, but their SuperEGO demands to conform to accepted social norms.
As a result, throughout a person's conscious life the ego seeks compromise solutions that can satisfy the id and the superego, which are in constant conflict with each other.
The three constituent parts of the psyche - the id, the ego and the superego



EGO and Super EGO are the conscious part of a person's personality, while ID is unconscious. However, in psychoanalysis there is also the notion of the collective unconscious. This is what can be called conscience, the fear of opposing one's interests to those of others and the need for external regulation of one's actions by society, simply put "herd mentality". Augustinaviciute in her model divided that part of the psyche, which Freud called ID, into ID and SuperID, filling the latter part with two functions:
  • Suggestive According to it, a person needs help and advice, accepts incoming information uncritically and with gratitude, and willingly believes any such information. If you want to "bullshit" someone, do it with this particular weak feature.
  • Mobilizing  The activation function regulates a person's actions so that they conform to socially accepted norms. Having received society's approval, the activation function induces a person to take further actions. Information on this feature is hotly debated and criticism is unpleasant, undermining self-esteem. It all happens subconsciously.

Socionic functions in "Model A"

Finally, we get to "Model A" itself, which consists of eight fields where all functions are placed in the following order:
We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. In socionics, this describes Model A, defining which socionic aspect fills these functions in each personality type.
There are 4 such aspects in total, for ease of perception they are denoted by symbols:
  1. Логика denotes Logical - easy to remember, since the square was created by the mind.
  2. Этика means Ethical - if you cut out a part of the logic square, you get the opposite of logic. 
  3. Сенсорика denotes Sensing. Circle as the figure most in contact with the outside world. 
  4. Интуиция denotes Intuitive. According to the creators, this figure fits well into the circle, but in our opinion it is more associated with an arrow aimed at the future, after all, intuition is the ability to foresee. 
If we consider that extroverts and introverts manifest themselves in different ways, we get a list of 8 aspects, while extroverted icons will be painted over with black, and introverted ones will be left white:
  1. Extroverted Logic (or Black Logic, practical logic) is responsible for understanding the workings of processes and mechanisms and organizing their management.
  2. ЛогикаIntroverted Logic (or White Logic, structural logic) is responsible for understanding formal rules, patterns, and analyzing the relationships between them.
  3. Extraverted Ethics (or Black Ethics, emotive ethics) is responsible for expressing feelings, understanding and managing people's emotional state.
  4. ЭтикаIntroverted Ethics (or White Ethics, relational ethics) assessment of people's relationships and the manipulation of those relationships, empathy and moral evaluation of actions.
  5. Extroverted Sensory (or: Black Sensory, volitional sensing) is responsible for expanding one's living space, and the ability to influence others to do so.
  6. СенсорикаIntroverted Sensorics (or White Sensorics, experiential sensing) is responsible for perceiving sensations of the senses, creating a comfortable environment.
  7. Extroverted Intuition (or Black Intuition, intuition of possibilities) a holistic perception of the world, an appreciation of global possibilities and perspectives.
  8. ИнтуицияIntroverted Intuition (or White Intuition, temporal intuition) is responsible for the ability to predict events, manage one's own and others' time.


In this way we can construct Model A for each personality type. Select the right type to see his mental model in more detail:

If you are registered at, Model A of your psyche is listed on the Personality Type Passport

Read more about each function:
