Limited functionality mode

The Mobilizing function

Mobilizing function socionics

The Mobilizing function, also called referent  is an area of the psyche that regulates a person's actions so that they correspond to the norms accepted in society through self-assessment of behavior.

Information on this function is compared with some internal standard, a system of moral values, to determine "whether this suits me or not."

The reference function tracks how society evaluates your actions.  If negatively, then self-esteem decreases, warning against wrong actions, and if positively, self-esteem rises and activates a person for further actions. Therefore, the function is called "Mobilizing".

This is an unconscious function, a person does not notice that his actions are imitative, he simply does not hesitate to follow his authorities and reacts in the same way as they do.

Model A in socionics determines which aspect constitutes the mobilizing function of each personality type.

Consider the manifestations of mobilizing for all possible aspects of:


Черная интуиция

Extraverted intuition, aka Black Intuition (Ne) or "intuition of possibilities"




The intuition of possibilities is an mobilizing function in Jugo and Stirlitz.
Such people appreciate the unusualness in life, and try to find non-standard ways to solve problems. But not understanding which of the options of activity is actually promising, both prefer proven methods in their work, which are positively evaluated and recommended by authoritative people.


Белая логика

Introverted logic, aka White Logic (Ti) or "Structural Logic"




The logic of the relations is Mobilizing in Dumas and Yesenin.
White logic is responsible for understanding formal rules, patterns and analyzing the relationships between them.
Dumas and Yesenin expect a positive assessment of their activities from those who will help them with the interpretation of laws and the fulfillment of the necessary formalities. Having received approval and external support, they successfully use the computer, follow various instructions and rules.

Черная этика

Referent Extraverted Ethics, aka Black Ethics (Fe) or "Emotive Ethics"


Don Quixote


The Emotive Ethics are Mobilizing in Don and Zhukov.
Black ethics is responsible for expressing feelings, understanding and managing the emotional state of people.
Such people are grateful to others for emotional support, as this directly affects their mood.  Don's self-esteem rises if he managed to achieve comfort by emotional influences on others, and Zhukov's if as a result his supremacy and right to give instructions were recognized. Otherwise, the mood of both deteriorates until the appearance of aggression.

Белая интуиция

Mobilizing introverted intuition, aka White Intuition (Ni) or "temporal intuition"




The intuition of time is Mobilizing in Max and Dreiser.
White intuition is responsible for the ability to predict events, manage your own and others' time.
Such people prefer to plan their time in advance. They try not to be late, not to delay the work or even do it ahead of time, so as not to rush at the end. If the deadline is unknown they start to get nervous, so they need to know the exact time frame of their actions.
Both of these personality types need a person who can accurately indicate the timing of events and approve the correctness of their plans.


Черная сенсорика

Referent extraverted sensory, aka Black Sensing (Se) or "Volitional Sensing"



Jack London

Volitional Sensing is Mobilizing in Hamlet and Jack.
Black Sensing is responsible for the correct perception of objects and people, and the ability to influence them.
Not aggressive by nature, these types of people often use proven pressure methods positively evaluated by others. A typical example of "hamlets" is Vladimir Zhirinovsky, whose public attacks on rivals made him famous and now he constantly uses this technique. Sometimes he goes too far and does things that cause universal condemnation.  Then he has to back down and say that "he was misunderstood."

Белая этика

Mobilizing Introverted Ethics, aka White Ethics (Fi) or "Relational Ethics"




Relational Ethics are Mobilizing in Balzac and Gabin.
White ethics is responsible for evaluating people's relationships and manipulating those relationships.
Both types can work only in teams where there is a normal psychological atmosphere, there is no gossip and intrigue. Healthy relationships in the team lead them into a good mood and raise productivity.
mobilizing white ethics are not very well versed in relationships, but are very interested in how to build them. Therefore, they are often fond of various theories that make it possible to manage relationships (such as NLP, socionics, psychosophy ...) and are grateful to people who showed them an example of the right relationship building.

Черная логика

Referent extraverted logic, aka Black Logic (Te) or "Practical logic"




Practical logic is Mobilizing in Napoleon and Huxley.
Black Logic is responsible for understanding the operation of processes and mechanisms and organizing the management of their work.
For people of these types, only those activities that have a clear justification are important. Huxley operates on the principle of "tell me how to do it - I will think", and Napoleon on the principle of "Tell me what is needed and why, and I will do better than anyone else."
It is difficult for both to operate with logical concepts and accurately formulate tasks, but if the teacher turned out to be good, then everything will be done as it should be.
The self-esteem of mobilizing black logicians increases in cases where they were able to choose the right order of actions to perform work. Therefore, if you want to improve their performance, praise them for their success and resourcefulness in completing tasks.

Белая сенсорика

Mobilizing Introverted Sensing, aka White Sensing (Si) or "sensory senses"




Experiential Sensing are an mobilizing function in Robespierre and Dostoevsky.
White Sensing is responsible for the perception of the sensations of the senses, the creation of a comfortable environment.
They listen to the opinion of relatives and friends in matters of health and comfort. They themselves do not experiment in this area, because they do not want to make a mistake. And they can forget altogether, because in these matters they are quite unpretentious. In general, if they are properly taught, they cope well enough with everyday issues. Therefore, in order not to have problems in this area, they can even enroll in some courses.

