Limited functionality mode

The Limiting (or Ignoring) function.

Limiting function in socionics

The Limiting function is also called the observing, or ignoring function of Model A serves to protect the individual from unpleasant or dangerous outside influences. Limiting reactions are turned on automatically when there is a sense of threat, limiting someone else's activity.

This function also reflects a person's first reaction to fear. In normal mode, people delay its triggering to the last, but if the impact continues, the tension inside gradually increases and causes discomfort. And when patience snaps, a ignoring function is triggered, limiting the flow of negative information.

The limiting function is such a heavy sledgehammer that a person begins to dismiss only in a situation where conventional methods do not help. You can't wave it all the time, because it's hard and not very pleasant. Sledgehammer strikes are short and effective, as are the vocabulary used: "I can't", "I don't want to", "get behind", "you went". These short actions are not intended to find out or prove anything, but only to protect us from annoying outside influence.

Information Model A in socionics  determines which aspect fills the limiting function in each personality type.

Consider the manifestations of the ignoring function for all possible aspects of: 


Черная интуиция

Limiting extraverted intuition, aka Black Intuition (Ne) or "intuition of possibilities"




Intuition of possibilities is a ignoring function in Balzac and Yesenin.
Black Intuition is responsible for a holistic perception of the world, assessment of global opportunities and prospects.
Subconsciously understanding the possibilities of objects, people and phenomena, these people defend themselves by denying the correctness of undesirable actions and accusing people of incompetence. If someone persistently imposes their opinion on them, they fight back with phrases like "it doesn't happen that way", "you don't know, don't tell".
Black Intuition is practically not used by them in ordinary life, but it works perfectly at critical moments, preventing disasters. So in Balzac at the last moment can withdraw money from the bank, which in a day will burst, and Yesenin unexpectedly interrupt a dangerous acquaintance.

Белая логика

Limiting introverted logic, aka White Logic (Ti) or "Structural Logic"


Jack London


The Structural Logic is a ignoring function in Jack London and Stirlitz.
White logic is responsible for understanding formal rules, patterns and analyzing the relationships between them.
Defending themselves, such people become stubborn pedants, demanding unconditional observance of all rules and agreements: "get behind me, I will do as expected, according to the letter of the law."

Черная этика

Limiting Extraverted Ethics, aka Black Ethics (Fe) or "Emotive Ethics"




The ethics of emotion is a ignoring function in Dreiser and Dostoevsky.
black ethics is responsible for expressing feelings, understanding and managing the emotional state of people.
These people defend themselves by emotional pressure on others. If they are taken to the extreme, Dreiser may respond with a violent tantrum, and Dostoevsky will fall into tears.

Белая интуиция

Limiting introverted intuition, aka White Intuition (Ni) or "Temporal intuition"


Don Quixote


The Temporal intuition is a limiting function in Don Quixote and Huxley.
White intuition is responsible for the ability to choose the right moment in time. In ordinary life, both feel good about the timeliness of actions, but not in themselves but in others. Therefore, it is often fair to criticize others for missed moments. They themselves are "timeless" in a calm situation. However, at critical moments, this function is triggered by them at the right time, allowing them to limit the influence of others.
In tense situations, they try to speed up the end of unpleasant events: "let's finish it faster" or vice versa, delay their offensive referring to the lack of time: "I have no time"

Черная сенсорика

Limiting Extraverted Sensory, aka Black Sensing (Se) or "Volitional Sensing"




Volitional sensing is a ignoring function in Dumas and Gabin.
Black Sensing is responsible for the expansion of living space, and the ability to exert force pressure on others.
These soft and good-natured people use the simple defense argument "I don't want to" to the last, but if they are pissed off, they can drive the offender in the face.

Белая этика

Limiting Introverted Ethics, aka White Ethics (Fi) or "Relational Ethics"




Relational Ethics is a limiting function in Hugo and Hamlet.
White ethics is responsible for evaluating people's relationships and manipulating those relationships.
Such people, defending themselves from unpleasant influences, begin to shame their opponents and appeal to their conscience, or relieve tension by criticizing the moral qualities of other people after unpleasant events have occurred.

Черная логика

Limiting extraverted logic, aka black Logic (Te) or "Practical logic"




Practical logic is a ignoring function in Robespierre and Maximus.
black logic is responsible for understanding the operation of processes and mechanisms and organizing the management of their work. Therefore, subconsciously, when the cup of patience is overflowing, they first of all try to limit their contacts with the source of trouble with the words "not your business" or vice versa, "do not entangle me in your affairs."
They can just as easily interrupt the unpleasant process itself - turn off the mechanism or get out of business.

Белая сенсорика

Limiting Introverted Sensing, aka White Sensing (Si) or "Experiential Sensing"




Experiential Sensing are a Limiting function in Zhukov and Napoleon.
White Sensing is responsible for the correct perception of the sensations of the senses, the creation of a comfortable environment, so the protective reactions for people of this type are the motives of convenience, health and comfort: "it's harmful", "it's uncomfortable", or the classic excuse "my head hurts"
