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Carefree and Farsighted

Careless and prudent in socionics

According to the type of perception of the situation and the reaction to it, socionics divides people into Carefree and Farsighted. Carefree (extroverts-intuitionists and introverts-sensory) turn their attention to circumstances that are new and unfamiliar to them, and on the basis of this adjust their actions. Farsighted (extroverts-sensors and introverts-intuitionists) are looking for elements already familiar to them, and based on this experience, they build their own line of behavior.

For the Carefree, every situation is unique. Even if they have already encountered it, the careless will not be able to remember exactly how he solved a similar problem last time and repeat his actions. And even if they remember, they will consider that it is impossible to foresee everything. Carefree tend to reinvent new bicycles. But it is easier for them to understand the situation on the spot, remembering possible emergency situations.

Carelfree include:
For the Farsighted, it's the opposite. Farsighted perceive any tasks as standard. To everything they have encountered, they have developed a typical approach - they use it as long as possible.
Sometimes this is to the detriment, because Farsighted for solving a simple task often try to apply all their experience from related areas. It is quite difficult for them to avoid template actions and invent new things. But they are very good compilers - they are looking for solutions by selecting the most suitable experience and adapting it to a new task.
Farsighted include: