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Positive and negative personality types

Позитивисты и негативисты в соционике
The sign of positivism/negativism in socionics is formed by multiplying the features of aristocracy/democracy and extraversion/introversion. Thus, positivists are aristocrats introverts and extrovert democrats, and negativists are aristocrats extroverts and democrats are introverts.

Positivists are constantly in search of new, interesting and any new information they perceive with enthusiasm. They initially pay attention to what is present in the situation or can happen.

Positivists better assimilate positive experiences and find positive aspects in what is happening. They are set up for a positive outcome of cases, so it is easier to succumb to deception.
Positivists include:

InventorEnthusiast Inspector Romantic Politician Enterpriser Humanist Craftsman

Negativists tend to notice what is missing from the situation and better find negative aspects in what is happening. Therefore, negativists better assimilate negative experience and highlight negative aspects in what happened.
Negativists are good with what they have accumulated, what they are used to, they treat the new with distrust, with wariness. By nature, these people are quite conservative.
Negativists include:
MediatorAnalyst Actor Conqueror Critic Guardian Director Inspirer
Some schools of socionics believe that the division of people into positivists and negativists does not depend on their socionic type and does not have any socionic prerequisites. In their opinion, this property of the personality type is a false Reinin traits and should not be used in typing.