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Personality types of 'One Punch-Man' characters

Characters One Punch-Man тест

Psychologists distinguish 16 types of human personality. Each character in the anime series One Punch-Man created on the manga One Punch-Man can be attributed to one of them. (emotional ENFJ and ENFP are not found among the characters). Choose who you associate yourself with by nature or take a test to determine your personality type.
Look at the description after passing the test, how much it coincides with your character. If there is no match, perhaps you made a mistake in the test or wanted to impersonate someone else. In this case, look at the description of the next personality type until the character description is similar to yours. 
To find out which of the characters of the anime One Punch-Man you are similar, it is enough to look at the four-letter designation of the personality type according to the MBTI system and compare it with your own after passing the test.

To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
List of 'One Punch-Man' characters:

Искатель Посредник Энтузиаст Аналитик Актер Инспектор Маршал Лирик Политик Критик Предприниматель Хранитель Администратор Гуманист Советчик Мастер

For characters from other works, see here.