Limited functionality mode

Psychological compatibility

Психологическая совместимость
 Knowing the personality types of two people can find out their mutual compatibility.
Choose your type and take a look at your Relationship Map to see how others treat you.
Move your puzzle to the zone of the person with whom you want to know psychological compatibility.
For example: this would be the "map of relations" for Paul McCartney. If she (like the personality Enthusiast) used this card, she would see that with John Lennon Critic she was waiting for the relationship of the Conflict.
Evaluate for yourself how accurately the relationship can be described and how true it is.
Карта психологической совместимости
The map shows the types of characters added to it and the degree of favorability of relations with you.
Initially, the map is filled with various famous people who can be hidden, or vice versa add to it any person you are interested in. In order to find out your compatibility with someone, you need to put your puzzle in his square.
The more the colors of your puzzles do not coincide and the farther away from you the square, the more complex the relationship. Comfort zones of all types of people are highlighted by four main colors. For you, this is 4 squares of green zone.
зона психологической совместимости
The compatibility card is drawn up individually for everyone, and is available only to its owner. To view and fill in your card, you need to login the site.
You can collect your map, put on it your friends or any user of the site selected on the search page. If desired, you can contact each by going to his page in social networks or sending him a message.
If the right person is not among our users, send him an invitation and after passing the test, he will be automatically added to your card.
If you don't want him to know about your interest, try to find a character similar in nature in our database and see your possible relationship with this character.
Find your comfort zone on the map. Put together a relationship puzzle.