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Asking and declaring personality types

Процесс и результат в соционике
According to the way of communication with the interlocutor, socionics divides people into asking (or "questim") and declaring (or "declatim").  
Questimity – communication with a focus on a partner. Questim ask questions in order to get an answer from the interlocutor, and already depending on the answer they build further speech. They often answer a question with a question. The word "questim" itself comes from the Latin quaestio (questio) - a question.
Questim include:
Declathymism – self-centered communication in the form of a monologue. It is important for the declatim to express his thought to the end, without entering into dialogues.   The declatim has confidence that if he is listened to to the end, then all questions will disappear by themselves. The word "declatim" comes from the Latin declamo (declamo) - to make a speech.
Declatima include:
It is easier for a questim and a deklatim to communicate with each other than for two questim or two declatim.  In any dual pair, one person declares another quest. Declatim tries to be in conversation "leading", and kvestim "led".
When the declatim talks with the questim, then, as a rule, this conversation is reduced to brief questions of the questim and lengthy answers of the declatim. The conversation of two questim consists of relatively short phrases, questions and answers, often not finished. The conversation of the two declatim is a few monologues, alternately replacing each other.
Thus, a questim is a person inclined to ask questions, for him feedback from the interlocutor, communication in the form of a dialogue is very important. Decatim is a person who is inclined to speak affirmatively, for him feedback from the interlocutor is of secondary importance, it is easier for him to communicate in the form of a monologue.
This symptom is easy to diagnose, trying to interrupt a person, wedge into his speech. If the interlocutor easily stops the narrative and turns his attention to you, without showing discontent - in front of you is a quest. When trying to interrupt the declatim, he increases the intonation of the voice, or gestures to make it clear that he is not finished.
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