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Personality types of the anime "SK∞"

Who do you kin in Sk8 the Infinity?
SK8 the Infinity is an anime series about skateboarders who compete in a closed tournament. The track is dangerous, and the tournament is more like fighting without rules. But the fun begins when Lang Hasegawa gets there. Two manga, 'SK∞ the Infinity' and 'SK8 Chill Out!' are released from the anime.
SK8 the Infinity doesn't have a variety of personality types, but you can still see if you fit into this company.
Select a character or take a test to determine your psychotype, Make sure the description fully complies with your personality type and confirm this to obtain the certificate


Clicking on the photo will open a psychological portrait of the selected character, clicking on the name will open a personality type passport.
Table of the best characters of 'SK8 the Infinity':     