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Personality types of "Death Note" characters

Death Note characters
Who are you by character from the Death Note manga?  Manga is among the ten most popular in the world. It released the anime series "Death Note" of 37 parts, two full-length anime versions and two feature films.
Each character in death note can be attributed to one of the 16 personality types of a person.  Choose from the table below a hero suitable for you in character or take the test to determine your personality type.
After the test, look at the issued description of the personality type to find out how much it coincides with yours. If there is no match or it is partial, then you have chosen the wrong character or somewhere made a mistake in the test, take the second test or look at the description of the next type of personality until you see an exact match with your character.
To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
Table of main characters: