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Personality types of 'Aharen Is Indecipherable' characters

Characters Aharen Is Indecipherable test
Aharen Is Indecipherable (originally Aharen-san wa Hakarenai) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Asato Mizu. In 2022, an anime series was released based on the manga. This is an ordinary school comedy about the relationship of the two main characters Raidou Matsuboshi and Raina Aharen.
Each of the few characters in the anime Aharen Is Indecipherable can be assigned to one of the 16 MBTI personality types. To find out which of them you are similar in character, take one of the tests and make sure that the result exactly matches your personality type. Then find a character with that psychotype (it's listed under their image).
To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
Clicking on the picture will open a psychological portrait of the selected character, clicking on the name will open a personality type passport.
List of 'Aharen Is Indecipherable' characters:
For characters from other works, see here.