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Personality types of 'The Case Study of Vanitas' characters

Characters The Case Study of Vanitas тест

The Case Study of Vanitas (originally Vanitasu no Karute) is a steampunk vampire shōnen manga by Jun Mochizuki. In 2021, an anime series was filmed based on the manga.
Each character in "The Case Study of Vanitas" can be assigned to one of MBTI's 16 personality types.

Choose from the table below the character Vanitasu no Karute suitable for you in character or take the test to determine your personality type.
After that, read the character description to find out how similar it is to yours. If there is no complete match, you chose the wrong character or made a mistake in the test, take the second test or read the description of the next type of personality until you know in the description of yourself.
To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
Clicking on the picture will open a psychological portrait of the selected character, clicking on the name will open a personality type passport.
List of 'The Case Study of Vanitas' characters:
For characters from other works, see here.