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Personality types of anime Evangelion characters

Personality types of anime Evangelion characters
Evangelion or 'Eve' (full name 'Neon Genesis Evangelion') is a fantastic anime series about children controlling robots to save the earth from unknown 'angels'. Under the brand name Evangelion also came out three manga, several computer games and feature films. Especially popular was after the release of the remake of the series - the tetralogy Rebuild of Evangelion (the last part of which called 'Evangelion: 3.0 + 1.0: Thrice Upon a time' was released in March 2021)
The main psychological plots of 'Eve' are built on the relationship of the protagonist Shinji Ikari with other characters. You can also find out your possible relationship with any of them by adding them to your relationship map.
Select a character or take one of the tests to determine your personality type if you don't already know it.

Then read how the description of the personality type is similar to yours. If something key does not match, perhaps you made a mistake in the test or character selection. Look at the arc of the psychotype until the description completely coincides.

To obtain an official personality type certificate from от confirm compliance with your type under its description.
Clicking on the photo will open a psychological portrait of the selected character, clicking on the name will open a personality type passport.
List of 'Evangelion' characters:
See other anime characters in The Personality Database