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Personality types of The Detective Is Already Dead characters

Characters The Detective Is Already Dead тест

The Detective Is Already Dead is an anime with the original title "Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru".  The genre is not a pseudo-detective or a harem film about a schoolboy who unexpectedly becomes an assistant to a blonde detective, who soon dies. 
The animation is good enough, but most of the characters are typical OJS with an inarticulate character. 

What would know which of the characters "Detective" you like your personality type, take one of the tests, see if the description corresponds to your type and confirm it. Then compare it to the psychotype of the characters indicated below their image.  Or vice versa - just choose an anime character and see if the description of his personality type suits you.

To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
List of The Detective Is Already Dead characters:
For characters from other works, see here.