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Personality types of '13 Cards' characters

Characters 13 Cards тест

13 Cards is a comic book series by Fyodor Nechitaylo (there are currently two comics in the series, Fedor x9 and Land of Kings).  It tells how the main character Fedor replaces himself with clones in the form of playing cards, then distributes "probability generator" to them and allows them to create their own states.

Since the clones created represent a part of Fedor's own personality, it is doubly interesting to find out which of these parts you are doubly similar in character. 
In order to find out, take either of the tests (or both, if you prefer), make sure that the description of your personality type according to the MBTI typology matches and confirm it. Then find a character with that psychotype (it's listed under their image).  Or vice versa - immediately choose your hero and see if the description of his personality type is similar for you.

To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
Clicking on the picture will open a psychological portrait of the selected character, clicking on the name will open a personality type passport.
List of '13 Cards' characters:
entp Varu
Вару - 13 карт's picture
entp Nikol
Николь - 13 карт's picture
isfp Jak
Жак - 13 карт's picture
esfj Armet
Армет - 13 карт's picture
esfj Helen
Хелен - 13 карт's picture
intj Kuromaku
Куромаку - 13 карт's picture
intj Filipon
Filipon_47900's picture
intj Pikadil
Пикадиль - 13 карт's picture
enfj Morion
Морион - 13 карт's picture
infp Gabriel
Габриэль - 13 карт's picture
esfp Emma
Эмма - 13 карт's picture
esfp Romeo
Ромео - 13 карт's picture
esfp Poldron
Полдрон - 13 карт's picture
intp Kuron
kuron_47899's picture
intp Kleo
Клео - 13 карт's picture
entj Pik
Пик - 13 карт's picture
entj Alebard
Алебард - 13 карт's picture
isfj Zontik
Зонтик - 13 карт's picture
infj Dante
Данте - 13 карт's picture
enfp Joker
Джокер - 13 карт's picture
enfp Feliks
Феликс - 13 карт's picture
For characters from other works, see here.