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Personality types of 'The Simpsons' characters

Characters The Simpsons test
The Simpsons is an American situation comedy animated series created by animator and cartoonist Matt Groening for the FOX channel. The Simpsons is the longest animated series in the history of American television, released continuously since 1989.
The animated series satirically shows the life of the Simpson family and other residents of the fictional town of Springfield, ridiculing many clichés and stereotypes, in particular, the lifestyle of the "average American", the peculiarities of world cultures in general, celebrities and even television itself and the FOX channel.
Each character in the series can be assigned to one of the 16 MBTI personality types. To find out which one of them you are similar in character, take one of the tests and make sure the results exactly match your personality type. Then find a character with that psychotype (it's listed under their image).
To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
Clicking on the picture will open a psychological portrait of the selected character, clicking on the name will open a personality type passport.
List of 'The Simpsons' characters:
For characters from other works, see here.