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Personality types of Chainsaw Man manga characters

Characters Chainsaw Man тест

Chainsaw Man is a manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto.  It tells the story of how the reborn after death, the main character gets the ability to turn parts of his body into chainsaws and becomes a demon hunter. The eponymous anime series is scheduled for release in January 2022.
To find out which of the characters of "Chainsaw Man" you are similar in character pass one of the tests, make sure that the description of your personality type is exactly matched by the MBTI typology and confirm this. Then find a character with this psychotype (it is listed under their image). If the description does not converge, you may have made a mistake in the test, take the second test or choose a different character.

To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
List of Chainsaw Man characters:
For typology of characters in other anime, see our Personality Database.