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Personality types of characters in the anime "The Promised Neverland"

anime The Promised Neverland
The Promised Neverland ( in the original "Yakusoku no Neverland") is an anime series based on the manga of the same name.
The anime tells the story of the escape of orphans from a shelter, but in fact from a children's farm, where they are raised to feed demons. To do this, children need to overcome many obstacles. The manga is distinguished by clever characters and attention to their inner world. The main characters are not many, so all 16 types of personality you will not meet here.
Take any of the tests to determine your psychotype and compare with MBTI the type of characters that is listed under their photo.  Make sure that the description of your personality type is fully compliant and confirm this in order to obtain a certificate


entp Fil
Neverland-8_30218's picture
intj Norman
Neverland-2_30212's picture
intj Rey
Neverland-1_30211's picture
enfj Izabella
Neverland-3_30213's picture
enfj Emma
Neverland-6_30216's picture
esfp Don
Neverland-7_30217's picture
intp Yugo
Neverland-4_30214's picture
isfj Gilda
Neverland-5_30215's picture