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Personality types of 'Dune' characters

Characters Dune тест

Dune is one of the most celebrated science fiction novels in the world, written by Frank Herbert. There have been several games, TV series and films based on the novel, most recently directed by Denis Villeneuve in 2021.  In it, some of the characters are changed, particularly the planetologist Liet-Kines, who was Chani's father became her mother.

To find out which Dune character you are similar to, take the quiz and see if the description matches your personality type.  You can do the opposite - choose your hero and see if his description suits you. If something doesn't add up, chances are you made a mistake somewhere in the test or chose the wrong character, watch another one until you see a full match.  The characters' psychotypes are listed under their photo.

To obtain an official personality type certificate from confirm compliance with your type under the description.
List of 'Dune' characters:
For characters from other works, see here.