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Personality types




Psychological profile

Conqueror ESTP
Conqueror (ESTP) is a determined man, capable of exerting force if the situation demands it. Determined to win at all costs. The more obstacles it encounters on the way, the more focused and active it becomes. Confident in his rightness, he is alien to doubts and hesitations. Categorical in his assessments. Другой псевдоним типа личности ESTP: «Entrepreneur» question.png.
  He knows how to find the enemy's weakest point. If a direct attack is unsuccessful, starts bypassing from the side or rear. Often acting through third parties.
Able to concentrate all his energies at the crucial moment. Logically mapping out a plan of action ahead of time, as if playing a game of chess. He is eager to instruct others, but he cannot stand an orderly tone. Cases are controlled by the end result. Usually occupies the position of shadow leader.
  Not trustworthy, checks people out. Focuses first on flaws and weaknesses. Not good at anticipating the future: stops in indecision if events get out of control and take an unexpected turn. If there is no excitement of the fight, sinks into doubt and a bad mood.
  He finds it difficult to contain negative emotions in his relationships with people. Intolerant and unyielding, prone to diktat in the relationship. Treats well only those who respect his friends and oppose his enemies. Not sure how the people around him feel about it. Can be intolerant when dealing with loved ones. Doesn't tolerate being asked to make a personal commitment.
It is difficult for him to establish personal relationships with people in informal situations. He constructs his own system of ethical values, which are often inconsistent with those generally accepted. If he is driven to it, he is capable of ruthless rage. At times like this, he can't stop his anger. Very gambling. He likes competitions, noisy companies where he can relax and defuse himself emotionally.
  Comfort, good material conditions for life are his cherished desire. He seeks to provide this for himself and his loved ones. Without it, he feels unrealized, a failure. He does not respect people who are frail, with poor physical fitness. He does not have a very well developed sense of harmony, aesthetic taste.
  His feelings always have a physical connotation of owning a partner. He doesn't believe in platonic relationships. He is highly susceptible to physical instincts. Bodily needs are satisfied earlier than spiritual ones.
  A good host who knows how to get things done. In business, he is not inclined to economy. He doesn't appreciate small amounts. Thrifty only in large. He has craft skills. However, with a heavy workload, he will hire people who would do it for him.



Relationships with others: best with 'Romantic', conflicting with 'Humanists'.


  • logical analysis;
  • the ability to plan actions and follow accepted plans;
  • the ability to create comfort for oneself and others.


  • inability to behave flexibly in unplanned situations;
  • temper tantrums, intemperance.

Recommendations for people of this type:

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Recommendations and the map of the relations are available only after end of the test 😈

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