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Personality type.

Types of Personality

Personality type is a set of stable features of a person's character and behavior. According to the MBTI typology, 16 personality types can be distinguished, differing in behavioral reactions, the degree of excitability and emotional manifestations.

There are no good or bad types, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, so some activities are suitable for some and not for others.

To get started, choose your personality type below, if you know one, or take the test to determine it.

Personality Types:    

InventorMediator Enthusiast Analyst Актер Inspector Conqueror Romantic Politician Critic Enterpriser Guardian Director Humanist Inspirer Craftsman

The prevalence of psychotypes in society is not the same,  you can find out which personality types are the rarest according to statistics here. And here are examples of each personality type among women and among men.
Note that any personality typology is not an exact science in the full sense of the word. It explains only the basic motivation of human behavior and should not be used to limit or stereotype people.  Human beings are complex and diverse beings, and their personalities cannot be fully described or explained by a single type or category.

Other personality typologies.


On the territory of the former USSR, a personality typology similar to MBTI with a different terminology – socionics is very popular . In contrast to the Myers-Briggs typology, it considers not only the personality types themselves, but also the relationships between them, which makes it possible to predict the psychological compatibility of people.

The Big Five

Another common typology in the world is based on the five-factor model of personality (also called the "Big Five" or Big5), which reflects people's perception of each other according to five characteristics:

  • extroversion,
  • Goodwill 
  • Consciousness
  • Intelligence
  • neuroticism (emotional stability)
It can be seen that unlike MBTI, a fifth attribute is added here – "emotional stability".  One popular online test site tries to circumvent this problem by  assigning two subtypes to each MBTI type: "Restless/-T" and "Persistent/-A." But this is rather a stretching of the owl on the globe, because in addition to the difference in the number of characters, there are other fundamental differences in these typologies. For example, the Big Five suggest that personality type can change over time, while MBTI  considers it to be immutable.


There is also a six-factor model of personality called HEXACO. It includes the five previous factors, as well as one additional dimension that measures the level of honesty and modesty in a person's behavior. This parameter shows how much a person is willing to give up the promotion of his selfish goals in favor of the public interest and the well-being of the people around him.

Personality types according to J. Holland

Holland's typology helps people better understand themselves and choose the most suitable profession or career path based on their personal preferences. The general idea behind Holland's typology is that people can be characterized and categorized according to six basic personality types or categories of preferences, called "RIASEC," by the first letters of the
  • Realistic type,
  • Investigative — Intelligent type,
  • Artistic — Artistic type,
  • Social — Social type,
  • Enterprising – Enterprising type,
  • Conventional type.
These types represent different combinations of interests, abilities, and values that determine professional preferences and success in different fields of activity.

Character accentuation

There is also another definition of personality types from the Soviet psychiatrist Lichko, more commonly referred to as "Character Accentuation". It is not even a type, but an excessive manifestation of individual personality traits (accent) that are characterized by abnormality, go beyond the boundaries and lead to disharmony.  Lichko distinguishes 11 types:

  • Asthenoneurotic, 
  • Changeable 
  • Conformal 
  • Labile 
  • Cycloid, 
  • Sensitive, 
  • Psychasthenic, 
  • Schizoid
  • Epileptoid, 
  • Hysterical
  • Hyperthymic

But this classification still belongs to psychiatry and classifies personality from a pathological point of view, and here we are looking at the personality types of normal people.

Therefore, on the Relaza website, the concept of personality types, their descriptions and tests for determination refer to typologies based on Jung's theory and its modifications: MBTI, socionics, Keirsi , etc.
In order to get the most out of knowing your psychological type, it is important not only to understand your own and other people's type, but also to take into account the individual characteristics of each person. For example, two people of the same type may have different preferences and interests, which can affect their behavior and interactions. Therefore, the use of personality typologies should be conscious and based on common sense.
Overall, knowing personality types can be a very useful tool for better understanding yourself and others, improving relationships and communication, and better achieving goals and success in both personal and professional life.